Category: RLP2

RLP Theme Leaders

RLP Theme Leaders

The Research Lifecycle Programme is recruiting theme leaders to support and advocate for the research community during its next phase. The Research Lifecycle Programme (RLP) will begin its next phase in August 2024. The programme will invest in people, systems and...

Requirements Gathering for RLP2

Requirements Gathering for RLP2

In 2022 the Programme began an extensive scoping exercise to help understand how RLP and its successors could continue to grow support for the research and Professional Service communities. Over 15 weeks the Programme arranged and hosted workshops, interviews and...

Colette Fagan and Angus Hearmon: Investing in research support at our University

Colette Fagan and Angus Hearmon: Investing in research support at our University

Read more about Colette and Angus’ views on future investment into research support at our University through RLP2.