GIS, Mapping and Earth Observation Community

Community Leads: Dr Gail Millin-Chalabi, Ms. Donna Sherman, and Dr Polyanna Bispo

The University of Manchester is renowned for its innovative application of geospatial technology. To build on the University’s capability and creativity in this area an interdisciplinary Geographical Information Systems, Mapping and Earth Observation (GISMEO) community of practice has been created. The group is guided by leading experts in the fields of GIS, Mapping and Earth Observation. The group leaders are:

  • Dr. Gail Millin-Chalabi (Research IT – Project Manager & Co-I Researcher in GISc)
  • Ms. Donna Sherman (University Library – Curator of Maps)
  • Dr. Polyanna Bispo (Geography – Senior Lecturer in Earth Observation)

The community provides a platform for members to engage with both internal and external experts, facilitates peer learning, networking, and problem-solving. Our members also benefit from greater visibility of career opportunities in the sector. 

Open to all within the University, including academics, students, Professional Services, and technicians, the community is a welcoming space for everyone interested in geospatial technology, from novice to seasoned experts. 

We see exciting potential in the geospatial field and invite the curious to join us to learn more about this fascinating discipline. 

Join the GISMEO community on CaDiR